Presidents Prize 2nd Main Handicap
November 3, 2017
Presentation Evening
Friday, 3rd November 2017
at 7.00pm for an 7.30pm start.
Come along and join us for the Annual Presentation Evening to celebrate another year of bowling and snooker where the trophies and prizes will be presented to the winners and runners up of the competitions.(New members are particularly welcome).
Before the presentations there will be a chicken, ham and leek pie supper with apple crumble dessert. Please indicate on the list if you will be attending and require the supper. It is important that you do this as we will only cater for the names on the list. There is no charge for the supper but there will be a raffle for a lovely set of lignum vitae bowls (with a choice of men’s or ladies weights). If you are unable to attend but would like have a chance of winning the bowls tickets can be purchased behind the bar £1 each.
The attendance list will be taken down on Tuesday 31st October 2017.